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Thinking about Dieting? Take this Test before Starting.


  1. Compared with previous attempts, how motivated to lose weight are you this time? Score 1 for not at all, 2 slightly, 3 somewhat, 4 quite, 5 extremely

  2. How certain are you that you will stay committed to a weight loss program for the time it will take to reach your goal? Score 1 for cannot, 2 can somewhat, 3 uncertain, 4 can tolerate well, 5 can easily

  3. Consider all outside stress in your life (work, family obligations, etc.) To what extent can you tolerate the effort required to stick to a diet? Score 1 for very unrealistic, 2 somewhat unrealistic, 3 moderately unrealistic, 4 somewhat realistic, 5 very realistic

  4. Think honestly about how much weight you hope to lose and how quickly you hope to lose it. Figuring a weight loss of .5kg to 1 Kg per week, how realistic is your expectation? Score 1 for always, 2 frequently, 3 occasionally, 4 rarely, 5 never.

  5. While dieting, do you fantasize about eating a lot of your favourite foods? Score 1 for not at all, 2 slightly, 3 somewhat, 4 quite, 5 extremely

  6. While dieting, do you feel deprived, angry, or upset? Score 1 for not at all, 2 slightly, 3 somewhat, 4 quite, 5 extremely

  • Scored 6 to 16 - Not a good time to diet; inadequate motivation and commitment and unrealistic goals can get in your way

  • Scored 17 to 23 - Think about ways to boost your diet readiness before you begin

  • Scored 24 to 30 – Bingo, Your path is clear.



  1. When food is mentioned, do you want to eat even if not hungry? Score 1 never, 2 rarely, 3 occasionally, 4 frequently, 5 always.

  2. Do you have trouble controlling your eating when your favourite foods are around the house? Score 1 always, 2 frequently, 3 occasionally, 4 rarely, 5 never.

  3. How often do you eat because of physical hunger? Score 1 never, 2 rarely, 3 occasionally, 4 frequently, 5 always.

  • Scored 3 to 6 - Try to control the attitudes that occasionally make you overeat

  • Scored 7 to 9 - Dieting will be easier if you try to resist external cues and eat only when you are physically hungry.



Score 1 if you would eat much less, 2 if you would eat somewhat less, 3 if it would make no difference, 4 if you would eat somewhat more, and 5 if you would eat much more:

  1. Although you planned to skip lunch, you are talked into going out to eat.

  2. You go off your diet by eating a fattening, forbidden food.

  3. After faithfully following your diet you decide to test yourself by eating a “treat.”

  • Scored 3 to 7 - You recover rapidly from mistakes, but should get professional help if you often alternate between strict dieting and eating out of control

  • Score 8 to 11 - You have a flexible, balanced program that is not disrupted by unplanned eating

  • Score 12 to 15 - Your reaction to problem-causing eating events can be improved.



  1. Have you ever eaten lots of food rapidly and felt the eating was excessive and out of control? Score 2 for yes, 0 for no.

  2. If yes, how often over the past year? Score 1 for less than once a month, 2 about once a month, 3 a few times a month, 4 about once a week, 5 about 3 times a week, 6 daily:

  3. Have you ever purged to control your weight by using laxatives, diuretics, or induced vomiting? Score 5 for yes, 0 for no.

  4. If yes, how often during the past year? Score 1 for less than once a month, 2 about once a month, 3 a few times a month, 4 about once a week, 5 about 3 times a week, 6 daily.

  • Scored 0 to 1 - Binge eating and purging are not your problem

  • Scored 2 to 11 - Get professional help if these eating patterns arise more often

  • Scored 12 to 19 – Your potentially serious eating problem needs immediate professional attention.



For each of the next three questions, score 1 never, 2 rarely, 3 occasionally, 4 frequently, 5 always.

  1. Do you overeat when you feel anxious, depressed, angry or lonely?

  2. Do you celebrate feeling good by overeating?

  3. When things don’t go well with others or on your job, do you eat more than you would like?

  • Scored 3 to 8 - You don’t seem to let emotions affect your eating

  • Scored 9 to 11 - Monitor your occasional tendency to eat in response to emotional highs and lows and find alternative activities

  • Scored 12 to 15 - You need to find other ways than eating express your feelings.



  1. How often do you exercise? Score 1 for never, 2 rarely, 3 occasionally, 4 somewhat, 5 frequently.

  2. How confident are you that you can exercise regularly? Score 1 for not at all, 2 slightly, 3 somewhat, 4 highly, 5 completely.

  3. Do you have a negative or positive picture about exercise in your mind? Score 1 for completely negative, 2 somewhat negative, 3 neutral, 4 somewhat positive, 5 completely positive.

  4. How sure are you that you can work regular exercise into your daily schedule? Score 1 for not at all, 2 slightly, 3 somewhat, 4 quite, 5 extremely.

  • Scored 4 to 10 - Change attitudes that are blocking your way to regular exercise Scored 11 to 16 - To feel more positive about exercise, think of ways that are fun and fit your lifestyle

  • Scored 17 to 20 - Your path is clear to a more active life.

In case of any query or for diet consultation with Dt. Silky Mahajan, send a mail to OR call on 080 6741 7780 (Dial Extension: 778).

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