Let's Take New Year Resolution for Healthy Life Style
A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in our hands. Lets consider it as an opportunity to write a beautiful story for ourself in year 2017 and follow these mantras to live healthy life style:
Quit Smoking
Say No to Alcohol
Maintain BMI: 18.5-24.9
Maintain BP: 120/80
Maintain Cholesterol<200
Maintain Blood sugar levels (8 hrs fasting): 70-99 mg/dl. Blood sugar levels (2 hrs after meal): <140 mg/dl
6-7 hours of sleep
Say no to fast foods
Walking/Exercise 45 minutes 5-6 days per week
Eat 6-7 meals a day (3 major + 3-4 small)
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits
Don't skip meals
Drink 2-3 litres of water per day
Maintain healthy body weight
Think positive and keep yourself surrounded with positive energy.
In case of any nutrition related query or to book an appointment with Dt. Silky Mahajan please send us a mail at info@foodsandnutrition.in or call on 080 6741 7780 (Dial Extension: 778).
Wish you all a very happy, prosperous and healthy new year 2017 :).